man at desk on the phone

The Key to a Successful Recruiting Process

As a candidate, when it comes to enhancing your chances of securing your next role, there are some things to keep in mind when working with a recruiter. Whether it be ensuring your LinkedIn profile is fully updated, polishing your resume, or brushing up on interview tactics/strategy, there are many efforts that play a role…

man at office handing in his notice

Understanding Counteroffers

It’s an all-too-common situation – you’re unhappy with your current job so you find a new one that makes you a great offer.  You go back to your employer to put in your notice and suddenly they are doing everything they can to retain you and make you happy. You might start second guessing your…

How to Get a Recruiter’s Attention

Whether you are in a job you enjoy, in one you see as a stepping stone, or unemployed, seeking another job can be tedious and time-consuming, especially if your current job is demanding or you have other responsibilities such as family. You need to confirm your resume is up to date with all your accomplishments,…