Crafting Company Identity: Building a Positive and Engaging Workplace Culture

Crafting Company Identity: Building a Positive and Engaging Workplace Culture Matthew Trzesniewski, Recruiting Manager – GRN Coastal As a recruiting manager at GRN Coastal, we can see the landscape of recruitment has shifted. Candidates now view their jobs as part of their personal identity, not just a means to pay the bills. Let’s explore why…

The 2024 LinkedIn Future of Recruiting report: GRN Coastal’s takeaway from a Distribution/Manufacturing perspective

LinkedIn just recently published their 2024 Future of Recruiting report. This is always an excellent read as they poll thousands of recruiting professionals to compile their data. Below we give our readers our view on Linkedin’s six big trends and how it affects wholesale distribution and Manufacturing. AI will supercharge recruiting. AI will assist recruiters…

a woman in an office is shaking hands with a man

The Need for Succession Planning

One of the biggest challenges affecting distributors today is planning for a succession of skilled employees. This can be due to an employee being promoted or an eventual retirement. The best succession planning happens a few years out, but most companies are not typically ready to address this key issue. The best successors come from…